Friday, April 27, 2012

The Baptism of Jesus

I think this picture is a beautiful depiction of how powerful the moment was when the Savior came out of the water fulfilling all righteousness. He became the most perfect obedient person that has ever lived. In this moment it was recorded that there was separation from God , Jesus and the Holy Ghost. This is a doctrine that has been misunderstood through time.

Why was John hesitant to baptize the Savior?
        John did not feel worthy to baptize Jesus Christ. John understood how perfect and holy the Savior was and he knew that Jesus had never sinned before.
What it is taught here about the Holy Ghost?
        The Holy Ghost came to testify of God and His purposes. The Holy Ghost was present to show that this was the work of the Father and that Heavenly Father was very pleased with Christ.
The 3 reasons Christ was baptized: It is a commandment from Heavenly father and , the only way you can enter heaven is by going through the gates of baptism. The Lord was baptized to set an example for us to live our lives and to be baptized.
What evidence is giving that shows that Jesus Christ , the Holy Ghost and Father in Heaven are all different beings?
Jesus Christ was on earth, the dove came as the Holy Ghost and they could hear God's voice.

This is a wonderful time in history that shows the importance of being baptized by the proper authority and the proper way, by immersion. This represents death and a new live. A new life with the comfort of the Spirit.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Birth of John the Baptist

The account of John’s birth is recorded in Luke 1. I have always loved this story from the first time I read it. Zacharias and Elizabeth were good people. They were faithful followers of God and His commandments and Zacharias worked in the temple diligently. Elizabeth was barren but they desperately wanted children. I imagine they prayed everyday to have a child. Even though they had not been able to bare children they were still faithful in the gospel, they never blamed God for their trials.
            While Zacharias was working in the temple the angel Gabriel appeared to him, Gabriel had to comfort him because Zacharias was terrified from being in his presence. Gabriel comforted him by telling him that his prayers were heard. What great comfort that would be, to have an angel from heaven tell you that God has been listening to you. The angel tells Zacharias he is going to have a son and his desires would be fulfilled. Gabriel told Zacharias that he not only would have a son but that his son is going to prepare the way for the Lord. He told him that his name would be John. John was preordained to turn the hearts of fathers to their sons. He was to teach the gospel to people and bring them into the waters of baptism. John was preordained to baptize the Savior of the world.
            When Zacharias heard these things he did not believe them, he doubted what Gabriel was telling him. He doubted because his wife was too old to bare children, his faith was weak. He lacked the faith that God could perform such a miracle. When he expressed his doubts to Gabriel, he was struck dumb until the birth of his new son. I think this is the most perfect punishment. I think Zacharias needed to take time and think about his faith in God and not speak so soon. He was too worried about earthly problems instead of rejoicing in the miracle that was happening right before his eyes.
 Mary came to visit Elizabeth and when they met, the little baby John leaped for joy within her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. Elizabeth called Mary “the mother of my Lord” She received a conformation from God that Mary truly was carrying the son of God. This was a beautiful moment and I am grateful that it was recorded in the scriptures.

After 8 days of the baby being born it was time to circumcise and name him. When they came to name him they wanted to name him Zacharias because it is tradition and custom to keep the name in the family. When Elizabeth told them no, his name is John they did not accept that and they turned to Zacharias and had him write down what the baby’s name would be. Zacharias wrote down that the baby’s name would be John.  At that moment Zacharias could speak again and he praised God and prophesied of his son’s mission to prepare the way of the Lord. That moment when Zacharias could speak again was a beautiful miracle in itself, not only did they have a baby, but Zacharias’s faith was strengthened in the Lord."John the Baptist said that while he baptized with water, Jesus baptized 'with the Holy Ghost' (John 1:33). Nothing in this life is of greater worth than the supernal gift of the Holy Ghost." -Lawrence E. Corbridge